Pumpkin Decorating Contest 2024 |
CONTEST LOCATION: Inside Front Doors of Coliseum CATEGORIES: *Originality * Creativity *Pumpkinality *Technicality AGE GROUPS: *4-6 *7-9 *10-12 *13-17 *Adults *Seniors 75+ AWARDS: *Best of Show * Tri-color winners for each of the 4 Categories *1ST, 2ND, 3rd, and 4TH places for each Age Group Prizes include Cash, Passes, Gift Cards, Gift Bags, and Gift Baskets CONTEST RULES: *Real pumpkins only (no ceramic or plastic). *Pumpkins may be any type, size, or shape. Multiple pumpkins may be used in the entry. *Entries may be painted, decorated, and carved (except entries in the 4-6 age group may not be carved). *Pumpkins must be completed before arrival. Glue gun, tape, and scissors will be available for repairs before pumpkins are set on the display shelf. *Electric extension cords will be available in the display area. *Contestants may come into the display area briefly to help place their entry on the display shelf and take a photo. *Chairman will use the electric extension cords since contestants remain outside the display area. Contestants may come into the display area briefly to help place their entry on the Display shelf and Take a Photo then must remain outside the Display area unless invited by the Chairman. *If your pumpkin is a winner, we will call you Friday afternoon so you can attend the awards ceremony and pick up your prize. If you are unable to attend, we will hold your prize until Sunday evening when the Fair closes. *We will not be responsible for accidents, loss, or damage of decorations since pumpkins may need to be moved, and we cannot guard the pumpkins every minute of the Fair. *Be family-friendly, supervise your children, and conduct yourselves properly at the Fair. *There may not be adequate space to display all entries. Entries will be displayed at the chairman’s discretion. PUMPKIN DECORATING CONTEST ENTRY FORM Contestant’s Name: ________________ Age: ____ Name of Your Pumpkin: ________________________ Parent’s Name: __________________ Phone Number: _________________ Email (Optional): __________________ |